Saturday, 4 September 2010

Brantz and Intercom Fixed

Sat 4th Sept 2010 - Work time = 6hr ... Build Time to IVA = 252hrs ... Post IVA Work Time = 24hrs
After a phone call earlier in the week I isolated the issue with the Brantz not incrementing at slow speeds.  The speedo sensor was not providing enough voltage change as it passed the driveshaft bolts.  Solution was to fit a separate Brantz supplied sensor.
I fabricated another bracket to mount the sensor near the existing speedo sensor. 

It was then a case of routing and securing the cable along the transmission tunnel.  This was an especially fiddly job lying under the car with very little room to tighten the cable ties.  It's certainly much easier to fit all this stuff during the build up phase rather than when everything is finished!

A quick test and all seemed OK.  A later test drive confirmed this ... just need to calibrate properly now.

Last weekend I tested the intercom with Henry ... or more precisely Henry played his iPod through it!  All was working OK except there was electrical interference that increased as the revs increased.

A few quick questions to Mr Google and I narrowed down a solution from eBay ... a little cylinder thingy that claimed it suppressed radio interference.  I ordered one (another £8.99 on the build cost!).

It arrived earlier in the week.  I temporarily connected it and started the engine ... no interference ... it worked.  The cylinder was a little larger than I had anticipated so I had to mount it under the rear-most transmission top panel.  A couple of jubilee clips and some duck tape to protect it ... job done!

With just over 600 miles on the clock now ... next job an oil change!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for writing such an interesting article on this topic. This has really made me think and I hope to read more.
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